
Fractals & Gels CINEMA 4D tutorial

in Tutorials

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Disclaimer : All tutorials are created by Pavel Zoch (Czech independent artist and Maxon CINEMA 4D generalist working for CINEMA 4D help desk and freelancing for more than 12 years).  I have been fortunate enough to work with him on small projects since 2013. If you are interested in learning more about C4D resources please visit http://c4d.cz/

I really like no keyframes animation and CINEMA 4D is a magic toolset that can generate them (different kinds) by many ways. This new tutorial I have released covers two very interesting topics: fractal animations and gels. The tutorial will show you two different ways how to generate breathtaking fractals animations. The first chapter hero is based on the Mograph module funcionallity, the second hero use an elementary light object, so it´s based on the Prime package. It does not need another module or a plugin.

The feature that conects both heros of the lesson is called gels. Are you asking yourself what does the gels term mean? Just imagine you can use an any texture or shader sample you like as a special texture affecting a light. We can affect its illumination or a volumetric visibility as well, we can use it as colorized volumetric mask of our light. It souds really amazing I guess. And it is. It´s really very interesting and very helpfull technology.

Link: http://c4d.cz/article.aspx?a=117
Price: 7,45 USD

ZIP file contains tutorial video file and two final tutorial states

Time: 00:34:55

C4D R13/14/15 Studio, Broadcast
